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Our Overseer


++Archbishop P. Gregory Schell

++Archbishop P. Gregory Schell, along with his wife Sunny, is the founding and presiding archbishop of the COCOA (Christian Orthodox Church of America), a worldwide communion of convergent churches. Archbishop Gregory has planted churches in Texas, Las Vegas Nevada, Rome Pennsylvania, Portland Oregon, Detroit Michigan, Knoxville Tennessee, as well as two in Colorado. As a conference speaker and writer Archbishop Schell has enlightened many to discover their divine identity in Jesus Christ, the Lord of all. His decisive message of kingdom responsibility, accountability, and reliability is designed to empower his listeners to take up the cause of Christ by manifesting love, mercy, and compassion.


He has ministered in several nations to many tribes and tongues including South Africa, The Philippians, Australia, Swaziland, England, Germany, and most of the United States. Archbishop Schell oversees the International House of Bishops for the COCOA, which continues to flourish under his episcopal leadership. In addition to tending to this communion, Archbishop Gregory is always involved in ecumenical dialogue with many Christian denominations. His efforts have helped the COCOA develop relationships with like-minded organizations including the World Bishop's Council, the largest ecumenical gathering of bishops contending for the unity of the faith. ​

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Liturgy means 'work of the people.' It occurs at the Holy Altar, located just under the ‘larger than life’ icon of the ​ASCENDED ​Christ! 


The altar is our main focal point during worship services. It is adorned with various clothes, colors, depending on the particular season in the liturgical year. There is an entire team devoted to capturing the spirit of each season through visual imagery.


Just as the Lord sacrificed His life for us, so we sacrifice our lives for one another and for those coming to the faith.

Our Divine Liturgy tells God's story! Believe it or not, "The whole panorama of the mysteries of Jesus' life is condensed in a single worship service...In the liturgy, eternal time penetrates each moment of chronological time. Eternal values breaking into chronological time are made available to us in the present moment. “It is in this sense that Christ is present throughout all of time -- past, present and to come," ​The Mystery of Christ​ by Thomas Keating.


There are 25 components to the Divine Liturgy which we will break into three parts: Entrance Rite, Liturgy of the Word & Liturgy of the Table!


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