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Being called to both old (traditional worship style) and new (contemporary worship/preaching expression), convergence worship was born. The founder, ++Archbishop P. Gregory Schell, committed to flowing in both streams of worship expression and we continue with this commitment at The Church at Hidden Lake. We anchor this unique expression in the firm believe that Kingdom life should not be kept in the four walls of a building. Individuals should not live one way at church and another way the rest of the week. We do not separate the Sacred from the secular as we commit to carry the practice of being followers of Christ into everyday life.



Several streams of church tradition converge during each of our Sunday morning Services. Elements of High Church (robes, vestments, incense) and Low Church (pentecostal/charismatic preaching/worship in song, etc.) are blended. Those in attendance experience sensory worship (worship which engages all 5 senses - sight, sound, smell, taste and touch). Beginning with the beauty and candor of our Sanctuary (which is an organic/standing representation of the Gospel) and concluding with the great Communion Meal, our belief is that the worship leads to true transformation & connection with God through His Body, the Church. We gather not to be entertained by talented musicians and eloquent words, but rather to partake of the life giving presence of Christ! We still love great musicians and you would be hard-pressed to find a better preacher than our ++Archbishop.

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